I want to Build My Own Business

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are permanent companions for most Singaporeans these days as we see 76%* of our population being active users. It is a force to be reckoned with and retailers have recognised that and tapping on the potential it brings to their businesses.

Your Learning Pathway to Building Your own Online Business

Set Up My Online Business

1 Day | Fundamentals to Starting an Online Business
This hands-on, practical session will guide participants in understanding and navigating the complexities of a digital business. Participants will learn the types of platforms available and understand the benefits, factors & resources required in an online business.
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1 Day | Jumpstart and Grow Your Home Based Business
Have you fantasized about setting up your own business one day? Today with easy accessibility and rapid adoption of digital solutions, more aspiring entrepreneurs are able to realise their dream of owning a business. Imagine operating your business from the comfort of your home full-time or running it as a side-hustle to generate additional income to grow your money while doing something you love!
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DMP Jumpstart Your Online Business
Setting up an online store has become an increasingly popular way of reaching out to more customers as part of digitalisation effort by businesses. Just like traditional retail, you need a sound strategy to create your online presence and stand out among the competition.
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Boost My eCommerce Business

3 Days | Responsive Website Design to Elevate Customer Experience and Enhance Conversions
Websites are where almost every potential and existing customers land to seek information and interact with businesses today. Just like how visual merchandising is integral to the success of a retail store, every detail of an intuitive website, from layout to content, must be logically constructed and aesthetically designed to elevate customer experience and enhance sales and conversion rates. As technology diversifies and customers use various mobile and smart devices to visit websites, it is paramount and valuable for all digital businesses to have a responsive website design.
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2 Days | Set Up an Online Business (Shopmatic)
As technology advances and consumer habits change, retailers are increasingly moving onto the online space to ensure their visibility and product availability both online and offline.
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1 Day | Shopify SEO: Drive Organic Traffic to Your E-Commerce Website
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most powerful digital marketing strategies to raise the visibility of a website, drive traffic and boost sales opportunities. An SEO-optimised website benefits businesses tremendously in bringing high quality leads organically, a sustainable approach that is cost-free and presents higher creditability and awareness to brands.
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